There’s inadvertently been a bit of an Ian M. Banks obsession taking route in my current music labelling – I’m currently reading “The Player Of Games” by Banks (superb bloody book by the way) for about the fourth time in total – and really enjoying it – it’s definitely one of my favourite all time “Culture” novels – inbetween reading it and the rest of life, I started just playing a bass line, ended up putting some stuff around it, fattening it out more and more – when I’d finished, I liked it, and to me, my reading seemed to have carried through into the music. Not even sure why, and I guess if you read the book, you might see any connection at all. Still, got to take the inspirate from somewhere 🙂

My Music and Me
This site is used to host music that I write, perform and record purely for my own enjoyment. The music is free to listen and download, and I am always interested in collaborations with other performers, the products of which are also shared here. This is in no way meant to be professional music, it is my hobby, something I do for fun and to relax, and I enjoy sharing it and if other people enjoy it as well. Comments are welcome on posts, abuse and mockery as much as appreciation and flattery.