Started in October 2022, as I prepare to take 2 months out of work…..thought it’s about time I got the old fingers moving again and tried to record some new music. This took a few years in total, as once I got working again…..well, simply wasn’t the time. In fact, finally really got finished when I once again took some time out of work before the new year.
One issue with this set which does irritate me, but is what it is, is as it was written and recorded over such a long period – my use of the tech, my approach to mixing, and the overall sound just changes dramatically – there are 3 distinct mix approaches here, with the first third, second third and final third of the set sounding very different to one another – if it were a professional album, well, I’d remix it all, but I don’t have the inclination to do so, so it is, as is. Will try to do better on my next, but the days of 3 months to write and record 10 seconds are way behind me I feel 🙂