Well, since I first started using GarageBand in anger, I’ve managed to record and produce 10 tracks, just under 1 hour of music. Not that I’m stopping, but now appears a good point to bundle everything together into a virtual album, and put a stake in the ground. I’ve put the 10 songs under the banner of the oldest, and still favourite song of the bunch, and even got a photo I took last summer of the field at the back of our house, and done some core-image doctoring to make it look pretty. I’ve bundled of all of this work together, so if you are mad enough to want to, the whole ‘Album’ is available as a zipfile, feel free. Meanwhile, I’m starting work on some new stuff – will try and adopt a different style, see how inventive I can be.

My Music and Me
This site is used to host music that I write, perform and record purely for my own enjoyment. The music is free to listen and download, and I am always interested in collaborations with other performers, the products of which are also shared here. This is in no way meant to be professional music, it is my hobby, something I do for fun and to relax, and I enjoy sharing it and if other people enjoy it as well. Comments are welcome on posts, abuse and mockery as much as appreciation and flattery.