The hint here is in the title – I wanted to try and do something to emulate one of my all time favourite Bands particuarly fantastic style – that of Dream Theater. This is my tribute to them. If your familiar with Dream Theater, you’ll surely recognise the influence. Anyway, this is otherwise quite different to some of my usual stuff, though it has some of the clear hallmarks of my sound. Harder, and heavier though.

My Music and Me
This site is used to host music that I write, perform and record purely for my own enjoyment. The music is free to listen and download, and I am always interested in collaborations with other performers, the products of which are also shared here. This is in no way meant to be professional music, it is my hobby, something I do for fun and to relax, and I enjoy sharing it and if other people enjoy it as well. Comments are welcome on posts, abuse and mockery as much as appreciation and flattery.