Quick off the mark……finish one, and well, it’s a national holiday – and the family left to visit the in-laws, so I had some spare time.
Pressure is the name I’ve given to my new collection of ten (starting today) – unusually, this isn’t going to be the title track, as I have something else in mind for that – but this was something that came together in a few hours, and it’s fun, upbeat, relatively simple and I liked it. I’m experimenting with a slightly new sound, mostly tweaks on the production table, and it’s subtle, but definitely different – a little tighter than what I’ve used in the past – though I’ve only listened to it on the studio speakers myself so far, will reserve judgement until I’ve played it in the car and on the iPod to see if i prefer/rate it.
So this, is Souls of Wind – Enjoy. Oh, and check out the artwork (not my work I might add).
[audio:http://files.me.com/morkjturner/5tk94n.mp3|titles=Souls Of Wind|artists=Mark J. Turner|autostart=yes]