This is a collection of all the cover versions I have recorded.  Credits to all the relevant artists obviously 🙂
(Work in Progress) Started in October 2022, as I prepare to take 2 months out of work…..thought it’s about time I got the old fingers moving again and tried to record some new music.  Enjoy.  
          This site is used to host music that I write, perform and record purely for my own enjoyment. The music is free to listen and download, and I am always interested in collaborations with other performers, the products of which are also […]
Lockdown was a small collection of songs I managed to put together during that insanely odd and exceptional time we all lived through in 2020. I started out with the intent of a full ten song collection, but it never really happened. I quite like the […]
I won’t attribute this to anyone. Sign of the times. My latest practise session becomes a piece. Enjoy. The Blowhard
Song No 2, 2020! Nice mix, odd key change, having fun with Logic’s new AI Drummer Tracks. Enjoy! Mindlessly About Me (5:26)
Lockdown is my 22nd collection of Songs in roughly 15 years (with a few of the earlier songs written as early as 1994). I’ve really slowed down in recent years, work, love, life etc. However, times are strange and that’s stimulated me spending a fair bit […]
You thought this blog was dead! I thought so too. In fact, when I finally found need to come back and update it, I found it had been down for 6 months with a dead database and no backups…. :—-) So, Lockdown. We’re in it, and […]
And one more……maybe I’m on a roll.  Nice solo here.  Well, I thought so. Tread Ever So Carefully  
So another brief hiatus.  I don’t get as much time as I once did.  But here’s something new. Electric Symphosia
One of the reasons for a protracted delay was much life circumstances change….moved home, changed jobs, lots of other cool things going on. Less cool was hard-drive crash and a loss of lots of stuff. Backup turned out to be corrupt, etc/etc/etc. Actual hardest loss was […]
Been a while….and in that time I did do a couple of songs. But didn’t update the site in ages. Here’s the first – Enjoy!: Worry Not Might Not  
Something new! Been a while…..too busy learning the Saxophone. Make Me Enjoy!
Something new.  Enjoy.  
Something new.  Rockier sounding Rythmn guitars (I hope).  Experimented with lots of other soundboards, but in, it was 99% the same because I couldnt get it to sound as good I think this does.  Enjoy.
Inside the Outside was started in Summer 2017, but dragged on for few years.  Call it ‘musicians block’ but life did take a few more curve balls, and actually, i was out enjoying it a lot more. In Spring 2020, I decided with ‘Lockdown’ to end […]
Something new   I’ve also added two more songs to this Album, but missed posting them up for some reason.  Make sure to check them out on the album page itself:
Saving time, one new post 🙂 05 Born and Burnt.mp3 06 My New Baby.mp3   Enjoy
  Something new.  Much fun. Changed setup almost entirely, so its got quite a new sound.   Will blog on the gear change later. 04 Purged.mp3 Enjoy!  
Something new – got a bit carried away.  S was away, so I spent most of the weekend mucking about with it.  The tempo and some complex changes seem to cause some screw up in Logic that i couldn’t quite fix or understand, and i hear […]
Here is something new.  “Blue up Two”. Enjoy. Blue Up Two    
This is track number 1 – Haunted.  Very pleased with how this came out, though I seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time mixing to get the right balance between the clean electric and the lead guitar riffs when they kick in.  Problem is depending […]
Haunted was the longest I have taken to complete a set of songs to date – lots of changes and other interesting things going on in life, let this take more time and be more relaxed.  Some cool tracks on here, and some others not so […]
Something new.  Face In The Mirror. 09 Face In The Mirror.mp3   Enjoy.    
I’ve now moved my own personal website (where I host music i make in my own time purely for fun) off Amazon Web Services (AWS) onto OTC (“Open Telekom Cloud”) – which is a new public cloud offering from my employers, T-Systems/Deutche Telekom.  As this service […]
Something new.  Truly, just messing.  Fingers got all tight.  So uh. Yeah. 08 Messing.mp3 Enjoy.
07 Madness Is Killin..> Another new song. Enjoy.  
Something new 06 Get A Life.mp3   Enjoy
Saw Metallica live.  ’nuff said.   05 Shallow Evil.mp3   Enjoy.    
Something new. Includes guest appearances from my new PRS SE 😀 [audio:04 Want to Grow Old…>|titles=Want To Grow Old…|artists=Mark J Turner]     Enjoy.  
Something new.  Doesn’t happen very often these days. [audio:|artists=Mark J Turner|titles=Take What You Need]   Enjoy
So song number 2….   This started with a very modern Joe Satriani riff….that quickly evolved.  In the end i could have cut the original idea out as i wasn’t sure its bluesy style really fitted where the rest went – the time signatures don’t meld […]
So, it’s been a while.  Life change a lot.  Here’s something new though – getting back into it.   [audio:|artists=Mark J Turner|titles=Living and Loving]   Enjoy    
Need some serious inspiration to get going on another set of songs. I am well aware that I haven’t got a hugely distinctive sound in a while. All you iCompositioners who give me such great feedback, anyone interested in a collaboration to find a new sound […]
Just installed the Logic Remote app which Apple released for free on IOS – very cool 🙂 I now have a mobile mixing desk as well as my old Behringer.  Actually, its really far more helpful/useful than you may think, if your a Logic man (or […]
This site has now moved onto Amazon’s Web Services (AWS), the public cloud service provided by Amazon. For those technical, very clever service – would imagine the website will run significantly faster, more securely and allow far more download bandwidth than I could deliver on a […]
This collection of songs started into 2015, following a 6 month hiatus, and took over 12 months to complete, which is unusually long (considering I usually do two sets of 10 a year).  “Take What You Need” was created during a fairly miserable point during huge change […]
[audio:|artists=Mark J Turner|titles=Dying To Be] Final song for Night & Day.   Enjoy.  
Randomly just came across this song on YouTube, probably first time I’ve listened to it in 20 years – loved this as a teenager, just had to cover it 🙂 [audio:|titles=The Last In Line|artists=Mark J Turner] Will no nicely as the one cover out of the […]
Something new.  Quick and dirty. [audio:|titles=No Fault In Failing|artists=Mark J Turner] Use both my Les Paul, the SDX1 and my ESP Volcano on this – think that is the first track that does that.    
Something new.  Something slightly weird.  Enjoy [audio:|titles=Two Souls|artists=Mark J Turner]  
The title track.  Generally gets given as I finish as i liked the way a song worked out 🙂 [audio:|titles=Night & Day|artists=Mark J Turner] Enjoy.  
My First song for 2015, and written and recorded on my new Jackson Adrian Smith Signature SDX1.  All fun. Enjoy. [audio:|titles=My Only Way Back|artists=Mark J Turner]    
Something new. [audio:|artists=Mark J Turner|titles=Shut Up and Smile] Well, you gotta.  
Something new. [audio:|artists=Mark J Turner|titles=Tell Me Tales] Enjoy.
Second Song. Something new.  A case of mistaken identity.   [audio:|artists=Mark J Turner|titles=Second Chance]   Enjoy (or not).  
Very Deep…. (not).   Track number 1.   [audio:|titles=The True Meaning of Truth|artists=Mark J Turner] Funky kinda side beat.   Enjoy.  
My father past away on December 3rd 2014.   It’s just for my own memory, but I dedicate this song to him.   The idea was originally about something else, but all I thought of whilst working on this was him.  He always encouraged my interest […]
“Night and Day” is a new collection of songs started in December 2014.  Though I am just starting out, I am keen to do something harder and a bit rockier than some of the melancholic sounds of the past few songs – more upbeat and maybe […]
Something new. [audio:|titles=We Have Years|artists=Mark J Turner] Enjoy.